In this type of question various figure are given and  some relation are given among them we have to find various relationship among them accoding to question.
Question 1: choose the venn diagram which best illustrates the three given classes in each of the following  question.

1.      Protons,electrons, atoms [bank po 2005]
2.      Paper,stationay,ink.
3.      River,canal,perennial sources of water
Solutions :
          1.   Protons and electron are part of atoms so by looking figure we can say that  . therefore   option b) is correct.
          2. paper and ink are part of stationary  so by looking figure we can say that  . therefore   option b) is correct.
           3. River is part of perennial sources of water because water is part of source of river.and canal is separated. so by looking figure we can say that  . therefore   option a) is correct.

Question 2: which of the following statements is correct with regard to given figure[ssc 2002]


a)      A and B are in all the three shapes.
b)     E,A,B,C  are in all the three shapes.
c)      F,C,D,B,A  are in all the three shapes.
d)     Only B   is   in all the three shapes.

Solution :  By seeing figure we can say that option d)  is correct.

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